"Thinking's important. Every man's gotta think sometimes." With sparkling dialog like this, you know the writer's in over his head. The plot: aliens are coming to earth tonight, and some people get together for a party to celebrate. A number of characters come to the realization that their lives aren't all they should be. This movie aspires to be The Ice Storm for a new generation, but never quite gets off the ground.
The male characters range from shallow to pretentious. The females fare a bit better, but not by much. Kate Orsini is the only credible actor in a sea of nobodies; but the real problem here is the vapid dialog that makes most of the characters two-dimensional and unsympathetic.
And this movie features some of the worst cinematography I've ever seen; the cameraman acts drunk, constantly fiddling with the camera, particularly the zoom button. If this movie shows up at a film festival near you, avoid it at all costs.
The male characters range from shallow to pretentious. The females fare a bit better, but not by much. Kate Orsini is the only credible actor in a sea of nobodies; but the real problem here is the vapid dialog that makes most of the characters two-dimensional and unsympathetic.
And this movie features some of the worst cinematography I've ever seen; the cameraman acts drunk, constantly fiddling with the camera, particularly the zoom button. If this movie shows up at a film festival near you, avoid it at all costs.