"This game is just another Half-Life 2 clone." Which is a pretty sad comment, considering that HL2 sucks noodles. I'm not complaining about the Havoc engine, the graphics are fine and I had only a few glitches I can think of and no crashes. But the point is that the game has lost its style, along with the superb atmosphere of its predecessor. At least for me, it's the most important thing - and it went down the drain. No more snappy dialogs between Blade and J.C., no more funny notes, inventive secrets or remarkable locations. What you get in return is the possibility to move things around - wow.... For Christ's sake, this is supposed to be a shooter where you should BLOW things up, not mess around with them! So the only positive thing left is the sound. Zak Belica did a great job with the music, especially with the song "What's the World Come To", performed by Sarah Ravenscroft. Somewhat disappointed were the dialogs of Blade(Eric Mills) and J.C.(Billy O'Sullivan). Blade sounds as good as ever, but has only a few lines, which I also consider a major drawback of the game. J.C.'s voice sounds a little "uninspired" to me. And now the best part: the voice acting of Jen Taylor. Now this is what I call a beautiful voice! Never heard it before, though she did voice acting for quite a few games. Again, great compliment to her. And, of course, Hannah Logan. We all know her from the original game, so I expected nothing less than flawless performance. Bottom line is: without Zac Belica's music, Hannah Logan's and Jen Taylor's sexy voices, I wouldn't bother to play it again.