My recommendation: this is SECOND movie in my life I left cinema in the middle. Why ? This is not comedy anymore like previous movie "Dzien Swira" - with same director, main character and actor. This is unfortunately taken seriously. Very poor story. Badly played. Stupid dialogs. Builded correlation main character = alcoholic = Christ is flat, boring and too simple. Very poor child acting - typical in polish movies. Director simply spoiled good idea making very bad movie. He tried to tell story about his life - son of main character is played by director's son. But he failed. Woody Allen shows much better his phobias than Koterski. I feel 'appreciated' by 2 of 47 people agreeing with me. It seems Polish movie maniacs will accept even s*#t, but made by their favourite director. Sorry guys, this movie is BAD, despite of previous Koterski's movie. Black is always black, even if other people declare it shines brightly.