Elvis in Concert (1977 TV Special)
Elvis 1977 CBS
18 June 2006
I just wanted to let you know I saw this show, and he was superb, it was sad to see him because obviously he look sick, but his voice was still powerful especially when he sang How Great... and other songs, this not counting with the poor editing that CBS did. He was sick and not fat, bloated due to some of the medications he was taking for his glaucoma.

EPE ignored the last years of his life and this is one of those times,every year and every hour of his life as a performer is a part of his legacy to the world and to the music history, not releasing it is only depriving the world of part of his legacy but EPE had made so many mistakes and the biggest one is not letting the world see how powerful he was on the stage every time and specially on this last tour and the one in Indianapolis the last time on a stage and if he knew he will not perform again he said good buy. It does not matter that EPE acts that way, but at the same time all the videos and bad DVD copies floating around makes it worst when at times the bad recordings are only a desperate way of seeing everything regarding him, no matter how bad it is. This was indeed a wonderful concert, people should concentrate more in Elvis's voice and music and his terrifc performances instead of concentrating in critics about the way he looked or how overweight he was, and maybe then they will be more fair in judging his God given voice that never failed him.
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