Did I miss something?
7 March 2006
I rented this piece of junk years ago, with the impression I was going to see sexy women and hungry zombies. At least that's what the video box suggested. Not only is it difficult to accept the skanky lead actress is a virgin, but there are no zombies. Nothing even remotely resembling zombies. Some loser North American video distributer got the rights to release a cheap Italian film, let's say it was originally titled Fully Clothed Girl Walking Around On Boring Island For Ninety Minutes, he blew twenty bucks on cheap zombie poster art, retitled it Virgin Among The Living Dead, and then he took my two dollars! There should be a law against deliberately deceptive advertising. I have nothing against idiots who make cheap lousy movies, only I like to know what I'm paying for. Anyone who watches this movie won't walk away a virgin, and the dirtbag video distributer won't respect you in the morning.
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