One is always keen to seek out productions that class themselves as low-budget and high quality. Clearly shot on DV, Song Of Songs has its unwatchable phases and some watchable - I am guessing its partly to do with style/mainly to do with lack of lighting...but thats just one of the uncomfortable aesthetics. Am certain that this is a film aimed at the core audience strong on the Jewish contingent and will of course stir some controversy given its subject matter. However, when dealing with such subject matters, it is important to consider having more subplots and strands so as to be more engrossing rather than off putting which it clearly is...maybe its far too cerebral/intellectual for its own good. The performances are generally okay but nothing write home about. The producer and director must be congratulated for embarking on this brave step and am certain that if more attention had been paid to two or three more integral characters, this film would beat with a stronger heart and express a more emotive cinematic atmosphere.