Review of Stay

Stay (I) (2005)
Why don't you Staaay just a little bit longer
5 April 2006
***SPOILERS*** Surviving a fiery car crash on the Brooklyn Bridge young 20 year-old art student Henry Letham, Ryan Gosling, goes to psychiatrist Sam Foster's, Ewan McGregor, office seeking help for the strange and weird experiences he's been going through since that accident.Not wanting to live anymore and face the thought that he was responsible for his parents death Henry tells Dr. Sam Foster that the following Saturday, his 21t birthday, at midnight he's going to kill himself. Sam had been through this before when his girlfriend Lila, Naomi Watts,tried to kill herself by slashing her wrists whom he saved in just the nick of time.

With Sam trying to get Henry committed over the weekend to keep him from killing himself he begins to suffer strange hallucinations as if he's being controlled by Henry and wonders if he, not Henry, is the one who needs psychiatric help. Things seem to be out of kilter for Sam as he starts to see people who are supposed to have recently died like, who Henry recognized, his dead father Leon, Bo Hoskins, and later Henry's dead mother, Kate Burton, and even his pet dog Olive.

It turns out that Sam and Henry are one and the same person with Lila unknowingly referring to him as Henry and the supposedly deceased Mrs. Lethman as her son Henry Lathman! Sam now trying to save himself as well as Henry backtracks in order to find all the people who knew and were involved with Henry as he starts to get the eerie feeling that he's somehow spiritual connected with his patient and that Henry's impending demise will also be his own.

The movie "Stay" has Sam going through a number of Daja-Vu and astral, as well as real world experiences.As he tries to prevent Henry from taking his life and at the same time finding out the dark secret in Henry's past that's driving him to do just that. You know almost right from the start that the Brooklyn Bridge is the center of gravity in both Henry's and Sam's mindless and almost irresistible rush to self-destruction. We see in a number of flash backs Henry with his girlfriend Athena, Elizabeth Reasen, and parents in a car driving through Brooklyn Heights to make their way, and fatal turn, on the world famous bridge; the best example of art in the 19th century as Henry put it.

A bit, if not very, confusing movie about life and death and how the world of the living and that of the dead sometimes interact with each other and even crosses over to give us a glimpse of what really is the difference, if there is one, between fantasy and reality when the physical and ethereal worlds suddenly collied with surprising and devastating results.
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