"Hello Kong..., welcome back."
9 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I never knew this film even existed until I ran across it in a second hand shop. With Linda Hamilton in the credits it was worth a try for the buck I laid out, even though messing with the Kong legend is always risky business. Equal parts camp and cheese, the film has it's occasional high spots amid the generally ranging low ones.

I got a kick out of an early scene when Brian Kerwin's character Mitchell uses the 'Can you hear me now' line some dozen years or so before those annoying Verizon commercials made it a household slogan.

The sit up and take notice scene had to be that enormous artificial heart that was going to be placed in the chest of the Kong that survived the fall from the World Trade Center in the 1976 film. Complete with footage of Jeff Bridges and Jessica Lange from that less than successful remake, this film continues on to give new meaning to the term monkeyshines.

When King and Lady Kong see each other for the first time, their exchange of glances is worthy of the most ambitious 'Saturday Night Live' skit. So where does the King take his bride on their wedding night? - why Honeymoon Ridge of course. How was he to know she was afraid of snakes? The big ape certainly didn't waste any time when it came to the romance department though, here for the first time we learn about the real origin of the Son of Kong.
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