It is truly a shame that a Turkish filmmaker can make a truly awful film with all the advances in modern technology, books about film-making and online film courses about Ingmar Bergman and Alfred Hitchcock. Who do these filmmakers think they are...........Americans? As a Turkish-American, I am perhaps one of the few people who can criticize the output of films from both countries. After great recent films like "Uzak-Distant" and "Hajar," it seemed like the Turkish industry had completely divorced itself from its infamous past and Cuneyt Arkin's films were ones in which people could only watch after a six-pack of Efes Pilsens. But, "Buyu," which was sent to me by a Turkish friend from Australia is indeed a reminder that bad- truly bad films can still be made in Turkey. The film is predictable, boring and the special effects are woeful. "Buyu" also features shameless sexism and absolutely sick sequences, such as women being raped by spirits-no, I'm not making that up! The acting is really awful. The directing is even worse. And, the editing is truly pathetic. I just hope they don't make a sequel!