Review of Aviva Ahuvati

Aviva Ahuvati (2006)
Not another excellent Israeli family drama
26 August 2006
Unfortunately, the movie disappointed me tremendously. Poor characterization (too many characters), a trite treatment of the themes that were raised, a lack of development and resolution in the plot and a lot of general sloppiness. I couldn't help but compare it to Broken Wings and Nina's Tragedies- and found it sorely lacking. It seemed- in general- to lack quality.

On the other hand, the audience around me seemed to like it. And it's been very well reviewed in Israel- receiving an average of 4 out of 5 stars, making it the 5th best reviewed movie in Israel at the moment.

My guess is that if you liked Sof Ha Olam Smola, you might like this, too, even if it's more pretentious and less fun.
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