Fates are thrown upside down in seconds in this film. One minute your the top of the bill, the next you're nobody. And I mean, NOBODY: starving, neglected... seems these people never heard of investing your money wisely. Harshness of Hollywood? Probably, or at least a 30s attempt to dramatize the life in the glamour city. The result isn't the best possible, but this flick is very likable nevertheless. The music is much, much better than the film - potential A-level material. And it gets a good treatment, especially during the last song, as Grace Bradley starts out a Capella when the orchestra leader rushes out. I like Grace Bradley very much. She's very pretty without trying to appear precious or overly sweet. There's a modern quality in her, and her voice - both when she speaks and when she sings - is top quality. I wonder why she never became a real queen of the screen. Really enjoyable 54 minutes. Included in Classic Musicals 50 Movie Pack.