In the 1930s, it was Fleischer Studios which was the most competitive studio to Disney. In fact, the argument can be made that in the very early 1930s (1930-31) that they were better. This short is an excellent example of what the studio was doing at the time. Because I want to discuss this in some detail, this is a spoiler warning:
I think, at least for me, the most fascinating aspect of this short for me is the rhythm of this short. The animation and the music are synchronized beautifully throughout. For example, watch the movements of the chicken in relation to Bimbo's movements very early on and then the movements of Bimbo in relation to the cop who catches him trying to steal the chicken. It's all basically in time with the musical score. The beginning is very good.
When Bimbo enters the graveyard, it turns from very good to outstanding. This is a very visually impressive short. After about thirty seconds in the graveyard, Bimbo probably wishes the cop had caught and arrested him. There's an incredible run of sight gags, all of them eerie to one degree or another. Ghosts and skeletons predominate and some very bizarre things happen.
Then Bimbo goes into a barn, which is like jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. There's a beautiful "call and response" bit where various creepies accuse Bimbo of various misdeeds and with Bimbo replying that he doesn't do that "no more". The cartoon just keeps getting stranger and stranger, right up to the end. It can hold its own, even after 76 years. At their best, there really is nothing quite like a Fleischer cartoon. This one is definitely worth the effort to track down and watch. Most highly recommended.
I think, at least for me, the most fascinating aspect of this short for me is the rhythm of this short. The animation and the music are synchronized beautifully throughout. For example, watch the movements of the chicken in relation to Bimbo's movements very early on and then the movements of Bimbo in relation to the cop who catches him trying to steal the chicken. It's all basically in time with the musical score. The beginning is very good.
When Bimbo enters the graveyard, it turns from very good to outstanding. This is a very visually impressive short. After about thirty seconds in the graveyard, Bimbo probably wishes the cop had caught and arrested him. There's an incredible run of sight gags, all of them eerie to one degree or another. Ghosts and skeletons predominate and some very bizarre things happen.
Then Bimbo goes into a barn, which is like jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. There's a beautiful "call and response" bit where various creepies accuse Bimbo of various misdeeds and with Bimbo replying that he doesn't do that "no more". The cartoon just keeps getting stranger and stranger, right up to the end. It can hold its own, even after 76 years. At their best, there really is nothing quite like a Fleischer cartoon. This one is definitely worth the effort to track down and watch. Most highly recommended.