hello little man
20 January 2007
From a child's point of view, I loved this show. I have very few memories of the actual episodes but instead, like other reviewers, have little memory flashes of individual scenes. I recall one of the opening credit scenes being an iron falling off of an ironing board. I too recall the falling pitcher of water. If I am not mistaken, the chair that Mel Hunter sat in when he was carried to his mission inside a briefcase was actually a jet fighter seat. If anyone questioned his partner on why there was this seat in the briefcase, the cover story was that he was a military contractor and this seat was a sample display of his company's product. I recall an episode where Mel was under a roulette table that was wired to cheat people out of their money. He took a piece of metal (a paper clip, I think) and shorted out a wire in order to foil the criminals. There was another episode where he was outside in the bushes and in order to signal his full sized partner he used a bottle cap to reflect the sunlight into his partner's eyes. Ha, that's all I have!! 2 memories. I thought I had a third, but because of the other comments, I now feel I was mistaken. I had remembered that he lived inside a record player, not behind a painting. When the lid of the record player was lifted, the view looking down was of an entire apartment without a ceiling. I have a feeling that I am mixing up memories of reenacting story lines with my toy soldiers with the actual show itself.
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