Los Angeles may be full of rock and film stars but it is also full of those that used to be stars and those that want to be stars. On the edge of the LA scene is one band of former rock stars looking to rekindle the success they had together in the 1980's. Around them are an equal number of wannabes looking for the dream break whether it be getting a good part in a good film or making a record with a producer with at least one Grammy to his name.
Those unsure of whether or not they will like this film or not need only watch any 5 or 10 minute window of it and they will get the idea. This is because the film doesn't really seek to have a definite narrative in the sense of "this happened, that happened then this happened" but rather is about a particular scene and the characters within it. As such it does what it does well consistently across the film and, although some viewers won't like it, it is reliable if you do. For me I quite enjoyed it mainly because I found the characters quite engaging perhaps not all that likable but interesting at least. It helps that Anders and Voss have written convincing characters and given them dialogue that rarely falls flat. It isn't anything amazing though and viewers shouldn't expect to be gripped or experience anything too strong in regards emotions.
The cast respond pretty well to the film being based on characters rather than actions and they mostly turn in good performances. The likes of Kemp, Des Barres and Taylor are understandably convincing and perhaps a little brave for opening themselves up to the risks within the story. Sheedy is not really in the main story but is still good as she delivers a frustrated and nervy character, manipulated by the ruthless side of others. Arquette is impressive in a role that again she was brave to take simply because of the comparisons that could have been drawn out by the directors. I found Doe to be a bit flat and Klein to be an bit difficult to like but generally everyone responded well.
Not a great film by any means but it is quite engaging and enjoyable. Some viewers will be frustrated by the lack of narrative flow and will perhaps not like the characters but generally it does work. I doubt it will stick with me and I wouldn't have wanted to spend too much longer in this world but for 90 minutes it was interesting and amusing.
Those unsure of whether or not they will like this film or not need only watch any 5 or 10 minute window of it and they will get the idea. This is because the film doesn't really seek to have a definite narrative in the sense of "this happened, that happened then this happened" but rather is about a particular scene and the characters within it. As such it does what it does well consistently across the film and, although some viewers won't like it, it is reliable if you do. For me I quite enjoyed it mainly because I found the characters quite engaging perhaps not all that likable but interesting at least. It helps that Anders and Voss have written convincing characters and given them dialogue that rarely falls flat. It isn't anything amazing though and viewers shouldn't expect to be gripped or experience anything too strong in regards emotions.
The cast respond pretty well to the film being based on characters rather than actions and they mostly turn in good performances. The likes of Kemp, Des Barres and Taylor are understandably convincing and perhaps a little brave for opening themselves up to the risks within the story. Sheedy is not really in the main story but is still good as she delivers a frustrated and nervy character, manipulated by the ruthless side of others. Arquette is impressive in a role that again she was brave to take simply because of the comparisons that could have been drawn out by the directors. I found Doe to be a bit flat and Klein to be an bit difficult to like but generally everyone responded well.
Not a great film by any means but it is quite engaging and enjoyable. Some viewers will be frustrated by the lack of narrative flow and will perhaps not like the characters but generally it does work. I doubt it will stick with me and I wouldn't have wanted to spend too much longer in this world but for 90 minutes it was interesting and amusing.