A young man, Danny Stetson (Michael O'Keefe), is seduced by a pretty young woman (Karen Allen) into a cult called Homeland. It's run by Kirklander (Peter Fonda) and Danny slowly becomes brainwashed into them, rejecting his family and friends. He is kidnapped from the cult and deprogrammer Charles Pratt (James Woods) tries to save him...but is he too late?
This is a totally lost film which I caught in a theatre during its VERY short run in 1982. It didn't tell me anything I didn't already know (I've read some books on actual cults) and seemed kind of blandly directed--but it wasn't too bad. O'Keefe was very good in a difficult role and Woods matched him as the very tough deprogrammer. Allen unfortunately was given very little to work with. Best of all was Fonda who REALLY surprised me. He was cast against type and he was just great. The only letdown was the very end which seemed abrupt and not realistic. Aside from that, this is a good dramatic film that's just fallen between the cracks. Recommended.
This is a totally lost film which I caught in a theatre during its VERY short run in 1982. It didn't tell me anything I didn't already know (I've read some books on actual cults) and seemed kind of blandly directed--but it wasn't too bad. O'Keefe was very good in a difficult role and Woods matched him as the very tough deprogrammer. Allen unfortunately was given very little to work with. Best of all was Fonda who REALLY surprised me. He was cast against type and he was just great. The only letdown was the very end which seemed abrupt and not realistic. Aside from that, this is a good dramatic film that's just fallen between the cracks. Recommended.