Very good but confusing ending....
20 May 2007
From the start I was glued to the screen. The acting was good and believable and the plot was tense. Okay the plot may seem a bit dumb I hear you say, after all who forgets to put the ladder on their yacht down before jumping in the ocean, but hey apparently it'a a true story.

Basically the whole film is based around these guys and girls stuck in the ocean 'cos some moron forgot to put the ladder down before they all jumped in. One by one they get bumped off by a bump on the head, a knife wound, etc etc. I found myself thinking why doesn't one of them just lend one of the other members of the team their shoulders to 'bunk them up' so to speak so they can get up on to the deck.

It does seem to have minor influence from Dead Calm, but it's a much lower budget film I'm sure. The ending is confusing as hell. Are they all dead or not? I don't think the film maker intended to confuse us viewers, more likely he got stuck for a good ending and so made something that is not clearly defined and is rather disappointing.

Not a bad film but the ending really disappoints and confuses. Your mind will be boggling for days. I would suggest watching Saw instead.
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