Uncle Meat (1987 Video)
I Feel Zapped (and I could not be happier!)
20 May 2007
As I have been a long time fan of Frank Zappa's music, I figured he would approach film with the same satirical sense of humour that often accompanies his music. Boy, was I right! This trippy film, which was started in 1967 as a low (no)budget Science Fiction film (with concert sequences by Zappa & The Mothers Of Invention) quickly turned into a cinema verite free for all (i.e. the plot was tossed into the dustbin and became a cinematic stream of consciness affair). The film seems to be divided up into a series of episodes, featuring various members of the Mothers in different roles. This film could be confusing to the first timer that is new to Zappa (it was filmed over a 20 year period,and the whole blob was converted to video format,for home video consumption). Anyone who purchased the original soundtrack record album in 1969 will recognize some of the music that was written for the film (tho,not all of the music on the record was used---in fact,a good block of the music is not used). Worth seeking out for the hard core Zappa fan.
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