Pigs Is Pigs (1937)
A 'Clockwork Pig'
23 May 2007
Technicolor rears its beautiful head right on the opening shot, one of the prettiest scenes of a straw-thatched house in the country you've ever seen.

This is a story of a little pig who was a big pig when it came to eating. He couldn't stop and even ate all his brothers spaghetti at one meal. His mother chastises him, saying he will regret his actions.

One day some ghoulish-looking guy invites him inside, straps him into a machine and force- feeds him a ton of food. It reminded me of what happened to a guy addicted to violence in the famous late '60s film, "A Clockwork Orange." There, a guy was treated similarly for addiction violence; here, it's food.

What happens to Piggie at the mad scientist's place and at the end of the cartoon is unexpected.
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