« When 250 lbs. guys are talking, 120 lbs. guys listen!!!"
4 June 2007
A classic, comedic chase movie starring the finest french actors from the 60's and a legendary Bond villain, no less !

The movie follows Marec (Lino Ventura), a truck driver sent by his boss (Gert Fröbe) to track down through the Morroccan desert a reckless youngster (Jean-Paul Belmondo) who stole a brand-new truck and its payload. Riddled with bad luck, Marec will face the dangers of the desert, as well as a fishy partner, and a reluctant, misogynist tow-truck helper (the hilarious Bernard Blier) until the climactic fight.

An excellent 60's French action-comedy, complete with great music, perfect direction by Henri Verneuil ("Le Casse", "Un singe en hiver", "La bataille de San Sebastian", "Le corps de mon ennemi") and hilarious dialogues by Michel Audiard. Reminds a lot of Peckinpah's "Convoy" (1978). It doesn't take itself seriously, and however reveals a lot about the times, the misogynistic and somewhat imperialistic nature of the French in Northern Africa during the early 60's. And even if the characters are sometimes real morons, in the end of the day you really root for them.
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