This is a fabulous show that did an exceptional job at capturing the events of the 60s and the lives of one family. The min family is Jack, the father, who is a small business owner in Philadelpia. Helen, the mother, who is a stay at home mom who wants to do more with her life. JJ, the oldest son, who is a senior in high school and the star of the football team. Meg is a sophomore and loves American Bandstand. Patty is in elementary school and is very intelligent. Will is the youngest and has a disability with his leg due to a previous illness. They use a lot of real footage from the news and American bandstand that aired during the time period. It shows how people dealt with a decade of change, integration and turmoil. The actors and actresses did an outstanding job. the first season is available on DVD however there is no word yet on the release of season 2.