Excellent film from a Georgian master based in Paris : How can anyone ignore human suffering ?
11 July 2007
There are many films which are made,were made and will be made.But the thing to remember is that a film that is a motion picture or a feature film is of no use at all if it just remain a plastic material (plastic film on which a film is shot).In the same manner there are many great filmmakers who don't make film.What they do is to make reality visible on a film.I am thrilled to say that the great Georgian master Otar Iosseliani is one such rare filmmaker who is a great painter of human sentiments on the plastic material.Iko Shashvi Mgalobeli is one of his best works.My personal opinion is that it has ample elements which are common to our daily existence. This is an ideal reason for admiring this film.The essence of this film lies in its championing the cause of simplicity as it is the best human virtue.Have you ever wondered whether a film can have therapeutic effect ? No.In that case please watch this film.Its sad disposition will surely transform you into a mature person.
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