Film-making By Non-Filmmakers
3 March 2007
why why why do people who don't like film make films? OK, that may not be the case with Anita or the writer of this miraculously terrible Canadian cinematic failure (or achievement, depends how you see it), but they sure could'a fooled me. I caught this...uh...thing on the IFC during a free preview for the station and God help me I could not change the channel. I was instantly fascinated by what I was seeing...terrible writing (worse than clichés, honestly, I don't know how else to describe it), less than moderately skilled camera work/direction (I mean, come on, seriously now), acting with about as much emotion and heart as a bag of stale chips, a sound design that would send John Waters screaming for his mommy (see Pink Flamingos to get reference)...the list goes on. I did watch the entire...uh...thing as I was passionately curious about how it actually got made and wanted to read the credits. To my amazement/shock/horror, yes, there was Telefilm involvement. This made me instantly claw my eyes out in wonder and shame as I tried to make sense of how this "script" was pitched, because Telefilm as I understand them pass on about 99% of what they receive. Well, at least now I have proof that it pays to know people in the Canadian film biz when you want to get a...uh...thing made. If this plays again, and I mean ever, just RUN away, you'll thank me.
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