I Married Dora (1987–1988)
Cute show... from a 7 yr olds perspective
5 March 2007
Okay, I was only 7 when this show came out. But I remember watching it every Friday night. Juliette Lewis really stuck out to me and years later when I saw her in some movie I knew I had seen her before somewhere, but could not think of the name of the show she was in. Being that I was only 7, I didn't know what the plot of the show was, I just enjoyed watching it and listening to the Hispanic woman's accent. One of "Dora"'s trademarks in the show was that she had this junk drawer in the kitchen. The husband would get so frustrated when he would try to find something in the drawer and start yelling at her. She'd go over to the drawer, pull it out, shake her hip up against the drawer and wah-la... there was the item he'd been looking for. Of course, I thought this was just hilarious.
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