Metamorphosis (I) (2007)
good idea poorly performed
18 March 2007
keeping it short this is one of the worst movies i have ever seen and not so much because the setting/idea, but the actors are really.. really.. REALLY bad they are beyond bad exactly how far i don't really know cause i lost sight of em going over the "line of beyond bad"

it could have been a great movie with better casting, the 3 tourists sounds like they have the script straight in front of em and they are just reading directly from it without taking much notice of what it says lambert does a so so effort to play the vampire ill admit that and Irena A Hoffman also did a pretty good job and her character felt a lil more believable (as did lamberts)

the starting minute of the movie really made me want more as im a fan of keeping original languages instead of having cheesy accents but boy was i disappointed , this flick is a orgasm of cheesy accents , and the whole.. "college kids" idea is just.. sad so very sad

the whole movie is a big "could have been" from the beginning (well 1 minute in) to the end

if i had financed this movie id cry long and hard after seeing it.. why you can prolly guess by now
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