Review of Mama

Mama (1949–1957)
This Brings Much Nostalgia
8 April 2007
This is one of the first television shows I remember watching as a young kid and was a big reason when I started collecting films that "I Remember Mama" starring Irene Dunne was so special to me.

Peggy Wood may not be Irene Dunne but I do remember her fondly as the lead character in here. My feelings on this show are exactly the same as those written here by "DVD- TCMjunkie." I couldn't express any differently that this reviewer did. I, too, would give anything to see these old episodes again, especially since I have seen the movie a dozen times and read the book, "Mama's Bank Account."

It would be interesting to see how these actors played all the roles. Being that is was a well-received, wholesome TV show, I wouldn't have any qualms how they would handle the various characters.

As you can see reading the full cast, some famous actors contributed to this TV show. This is heartwarming, tender, wonderful family drama in the early years of television. Boy, I almost get tears in my eyes thinking about this. I hope that doesn't sound too corny.
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