I don't have the prejudice of having seen "Ah Wilderness!" so that is why I'm rating this so high. I just watched the film on TCM Europe and was expecting to change the channel or lose interest and do other things on the internet, but this film kept me watching, thats saying a lot since I'm not a big musical kind of person. Actually the musical part seems subtle, I liked that. I am also a Rooney fan so I am biased in that as well, I liked every thing I've seen him in that I can remember and I don't go out actively seeking his stuff. When I do come across one of his films I always seem to enjoy it but this film really seemed to click on all cylinders because it has a very very cool dark side and also discusses politics which rings true today. The supporting cast of many does a great job of course, and a musical bit about a Stanley Steamer? C'mon, thats awesome! Great colors and production values, I am not saying it's Mickey's best but I really was entertained, good flick!
Review of Summer Holiday
Summer Holiday
If Your Looking For Americana, You've Found A Nice Film
18 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers