Review of Luster

Luster (2002)
How i grown up in a weekend
27 December 2007
Jackson, he tell us, fall in love with at least 20 people every day, or kind of i can say. Jackson (Justin Herwick), the center of "Luster", is a poet who works in a friend's record store. He lives writing, drinking, fallen in love and having sex in some orgies. His cousin came to his house and then Jackson questioned about incest. There is a writer as a friend, a funny photographer, she is lesbian, Jackson is gay. There's a stores customer who sees Jackson, and then he questioned about love at first sight. Jackson what to see a boy from the last night orgy. Jackson write for a strange famous artist, maybe he have a chance of work with he. And all of this only in a Friday morning. "Luster" going to tell us what happen to Jackson and how might he change finally at the Sunday morning.

From director Everett Lewis, comes this drama about the love, the young and the old. I can see that "Luster" is some criticized, for bad. The fact that a films is about gay people doesn't mean that an heterosexual cant enjoy it, no deal with that, but there's exist homophobia in the public yet, so some critics just critic for good, doesn't matter if they give it a 10 or a 1. Some gay films can be so builds so selfish that it makes it feel that the film itself is just for a gay public, and that means that is bad because movies is not something exclusive. At least i can that "Luster" don't commit that error, actually, in spite of some technical issues, i found it very clever, fun sometimes, not funny at totally but very poetic in its totality.

"Luster" is an analyse to love developed in Jackson, who grown up at the end of the film. Is too a very nice and pleasant look to a lifestyle, where other wants drugs and others love bad treats. There's people who love feel pain in their flesh just. Maybe they feel it miserable, or just they love to turn on in that way? Jackson lives in that world at Friday morning, but when he really asks about if he really in loved, if he is really loved at a traumatic Sunday morning, he grown up. He realizes what life want to live.

"Luster" is about the conflict between love and desire in men, obviously demonstrated in the orgies that Jackson have, in the secrets of her friend. The man here, is Jackson. He think he was sure about the life he want it when the famous artist give him the job, but then he realizes of some things about the same art, the flesh and the man who going to give him the job.

But, in spite that Jackson is the center, the other characters, being or not involved with he, front that growing up to, questioned about it. More noted for the characters of Sam and Alyssa, this last a very funny woman who have a good definition of love and its chemical relation. All in "Luster" wonder things, have different lifestyles, ones want pleasures, others just love. But no all grown up, don't find the true. Others do it, others "don't butter" about it, don't cares it about it, other don't do it and lose the battle.

Its a pity that "Luster" have some technical problems, of course, it's not about it technical ways, the problem, no in its totality, is how was used it. Of course one can say that can be understand it taking on count that is a independent film, but i think that could be some more work in that, specially in sound, the camera work was good. The performances was great, by everyone, but i really feel it weird about the performances when Derek told Jackson that he is in love with him. That kiss was so technical, so i don't see it human, i feel it like plastic, inhuman, like if these two were machines. That was my unique complain, but, just for take the thing right, i love both performances, being honest and truly, specially from Herwick, maybe, with Gidley, the best of all movie.

I find "Luster", like i said, very poetic. I think that, actually, is Jackson who write this movie as his poetry work. Telling us his experience in love and how we, in some way, fall in love with him too.

*Sorry for the mistakes ... well, if there any.
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