It's zombies on a plane, you get the idea. Actually well done, a bit wonky in spots as it has the feeling that additional scenes were shot to fill out the movie and the additional scenes don't quite mesh with the rest of the film. For example when the plane is going through extreme turbulence, apparently certain areas of the plane are completely immune. Also, I don't know much about piloting aircraft but I'm pretty sure the tower's call sign isn't 'base'. One of the biggest goofs that I noticed was the plane suffers explosive decompression several times.
There are some real comedic moments especially with Derek Webster who plays as a golf pro named Long Shot. Long Shot carries a gold putter that he uses quite effectively against the zombies, even to decapitate a few getting a giggle from me each time. In a later sequence, Long Shot has quite the medley of zombie destroying weapons as he valiantly fights his way to the cockpit. The zombies are of the 28 Days Later variety but they are true ghouls here, not infected humans. The zombies are really what make this movie fun to watch. They are quick and devious and they skitter about like vicious beasts. My favorite skittering scene being a stewardess scurrying through a crawlspace in a short skirt carrying an arm in her jaws, beautiful! One of the best scenes happens in the bathroom, I will never feel safe in an airplane bathroom again.
The girls are beautiful and the stewardesses are sexy but all of them keep their clothes (I know some of you want to know this). The R rating to come is earned purely through blood, gore and violence. For the most part the characters are reasonably intelligent. There are some stupid things that happen, sometimes intentionally for comedic pleasure and sometimes because the film makers were lazy but this is a B movie so I can forgive a few gaffs. FOLD manages some true moments of suspense. Were the movie more polished I could have easily given it a 7/10. A must see for zombie fans or lovers of campy action movies.
There are some real comedic moments especially with Derek Webster who plays as a golf pro named Long Shot. Long Shot carries a gold putter that he uses quite effectively against the zombies, even to decapitate a few getting a giggle from me each time. In a later sequence, Long Shot has quite the medley of zombie destroying weapons as he valiantly fights his way to the cockpit. The zombies are of the 28 Days Later variety but they are true ghouls here, not infected humans. The zombies are really what make this movie fun to watch. They are quick and devious and they skitter about like vicious beasts. My favorite skittering scene being a stewardess scurrying through a crawlspace in a short skirt carrying an arm in her jaws, beautiful! One of the best scenes happens in the bathroom, I will never feel safe in an airplane bathroom again.
The girls are beautiful and the stewardesses are sexy but all of them keep their clothes (I know some of you want to know this). The R rating to come is earned purely through blood, gore and violence. For the most part the characters are reasonably intelligent. There are some stupid things that happen, sometimes intentionally for comedic pleasure and sometimes because the film makers were lazy but this is a B movie so I can forgive a few gaffs. FOLD manages some true moments of suspense. Were the movie more polished I could have easily given it a 7/10. A must see for zombie fans or lovers of campy action movies.