Samson en Gert (1990–2019)
9 August 2007
Samson & Gert is the series where all Belgian children grow up with. In the beginning the creators made quite some effort to make this into a fantastic series for children. The characters were pretty believable, or at least for that kind of show. But over the years everything got pretty bad. Good characters as Joop Mengelmoes, Miranda DeBolle and 'De Burgemeester' (allright, he was still around at the end, but it was like he was playing somebody completely different) left and stupid (and I mean STUPID) character (like Eugène, Frieda and the 'afgevaardigde van de minister') took there place.

In the end it became unwatchable, just like all the other series Gert Verhulst created with his 'Studio 100'. I miss the old days. The sad part is that this series still plays each day on Belgian television, but only the later part of the series! We want the old ones back! Back when it was fun for young AND OLD!
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