Review of Ostrov

Ostrov (2006)
Not convincing
15 August 2007
For post-soviet Russia, being left without what they call "the national idea", it's quite logical to be searching for one. I see this movie as a successful attempt to create "the right movie". In this "right" movie you can clearly see the supposed demand of Russian society for spirituality and new moral reference points. As we remember from the classics of soviet cinematography the concept of the "right movie" allows the "idea" to prevail on everything else. This is the main problem of this movie - the internal logic, the protagonist, the course of events - everything is sacrificed to the "idea". This explains the reaction of the audience to the movie - most prefer to forgive the numerous errors and unpersuasive episodes in favor of the overshadowing "idea".But what is this "idea"? Is it humanity? Is it mercy? Is it retaliation for the sins? Is it faith? I guess everyone is free to understand it in his own way and that's why I personally don't like that the comprehension of this idea is supposed to be through the abundance of praying scenes and ascetism.
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