Claire (2007 TV Movie)
Murder mystery with an obvious killer; psychic called in to help anyway
23 August 2007
Although it was nice to see Valerie Bertinelli in something other than those diet commercials, the course of this movie was fairly predictable. Most obvious is the identity of the killer, which is concealed about as well as an elephant hiding behind a golf ball.

It's a serial killer murder mystery, and Claire (Bertinelli) is a reluctant psychic who gets disjointed visions when she touches objects. After someone she knows has been murdered, she is asked by her uncle, a retired cop, to assist law enforcement in the investigation. Sort of a fictionalized version of the TV show "Psychic Detectives," (except without the narrator on that show who proclaims how accurate the psychic's visions are every five seconds). Since the killer's ID is so obvious, I found it amusing that Claire never gets any case solving visions from this individual.

The film is pretty mainstream for this type of story, and Valerie's acting rises above the script; other cast members are adequate, although the killer (after being discovered) does some clichéd maniac mannerisms; example: a sing-songy voice while stalking a victim. Not exactly original.

Just watchable. I do hope we see Valerie get some better roles than this, however.
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