Actually there is a full length TV series (30 episode) on life of Genghis Khan made based on "Secret History of Mongols". You can find a clip of it here on Youtube ( This is produced by a film company in Inner Mongolia with a Mongol cast. Dialog is in Mandarin, the clip on Youtube has English subtitle so I am sure the version with English Subtitle exist. I am watching it online right now in Chinese. I am pleasantly surprised by the production value, how faithful it stick to the "Secret History of Mongols". I was initially skeptical of a TV series about Genghis Khan made in China since I have seen many Chinese film and TV series where the depiction of non-Han Chinese people are wanting. But this one was really different, even though they were speaking Chinese, I realize that the actors and directors are probably Mongols. When I did some back ground research, and found out that it was indeed a Mongol cast and produced by a film company based in Inner Mongolia.
The Chinese character for Genghis Khan is "成吉思汗", You might find the DVD for sale on the internet.
The Chinese character for Genghis Khan is "成吉思汗", You might find the DVD for sale on the internet.