Autry's the man for me!
16 March 2008
As a Gene Autry fan I like this, find it very watchable, and as charming as the previous reviewer; if you're not a fan however you'll only be able to revel in how bizarre it must appear. Most modern movies appear bizarre to me so I don't waste my valuable time watching them.

Frog buys a cattle farm for Gene and the "Texas Troubadours" to sell beef only to find they have a herd of milk cows on their hands. They have trouble delivering the milk thanks to a dodgy business Association which is pretending to be help led by baddie Robert Barrat and his semi-baddie poodle Buster Crabbe (who was seemingly trying to look like Brian Donlevy) – but do the goodies or baddies win out? They hold an election for Sheriff which again proved that Democracy = Cracked Heads. Elmo Lincoln had a small part, meaning there were two ex-Tarzan's in here. The Texas Rangers sang a few nice little ditties - I had previously thought they supported Gene in loads of his movies but have just realised Johnny Mack Brown was the guy instead. Ever smiling and nicely coiffured June Storey was here in the 4th of her 10 Autry outings playing Crabbe's sister and the announcer on the local radio station KWTR. Favourite bits: Poor Little Dogie sung by Gene to the admiring June; the charming Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere; the Vote For Autry campaign; the sight of Frog on a titchy motor scooter.

For me an hour well spent in good company, I'd welcome 'em all back anytime.
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