The Plot: While going about ordinary outdoor/sports-related activities, a young man/the lead character encounters a monster that kills people, and he must defeat it to survive. To achieve this task, he convinces the local town's people to help him. A young woman also helps him and they develop a sweet little romance in the course of vanquishing the monster.
This plot description for ROCK MONSTER also applies to several other Sci-Fi 'original' movies such as OGRE, BEYOND LOCH NESS, and ICE SPIDERS. In other words, none of these movies produced for the Sci-Fi channel are that original; they're formulaic.
These are G or at most PG type movies. There is not much if any blood/gore, a very innocent romance (no skin/not even kissing), and a monster that looks like some cheap plastic creature you'd find in a happy meal from a fast food restaurant.
Although there isn't much substance to these movies, they also aren't the worst movies out there --- that's not an endorsement, just a statement of fact. Here, the visual and audio departments are competent; you can both see and hear these movies. And, for the most part the acting is fair enough. Finally, the movie does have a story line even though it goes in a predictable linear direction.
Some Sci-Fi 'original' movies like KAW or BATS: HUMAN HARVEST are slightly better (4 on a scale of 10) because the monster/threat is more believable. But, again, the plots tend to be borrowed, predictable and the hero always seems to defeat the monster, albeit with that final gimmick that leaves the question: is it really over?
This plot description for ROCK MONSTER also applies to several other Sci-Fi 'original' movies such as OGRE, BEYOND LOCH NESS, and ICE SPIDERS. In other words, none of these movies produced for the Sci-Fi channel are that original; they're formulaic.
These are G or at most PG type movies. There is not much if any blood/gore, a very innocent romance (no skin/not even kissing), and a monster that looks like some cheap plastic creature you'd find in a happy meal from a fast food restaurant.
Although there isn't much substance to these movies, they also aren't the worst movies out there --- that's not an endorsement, just a statement of fact. Here, the visual and audio departments are competent; you can both see and hear these movies. And, for the most part the acting is fair enough. Finally, the movie does have a story line even though it goes in a predictable linear direction.
Some Sci-Fi 'original' movies like KAW or BATS: HUMAN HARVEST are slightly better (4 on a scale of 10) because the monster/threat is more believable. But, again, the plots tend to be borrowed, predictable and the hero always seems to defeat the monster, albeit with that final gimmick that leaves the question: is it really over?