This is a fun, rough and buoyant example of homage from the guys who would later collaborate on Man Bites Dog. It's an extended "trailer" for a spy movie with the hero, Daniel Daniel, and his attempts to stop a bomb plot or other. What the plot really is I can't say exactly, but there are some horrible but hilarious jokes at the expense of a black-faced character whom gets crapped on by his hero until the moment of his tragic death ("Say bonjour, bonjour!") Then there's characters we barely see but get the grand cast roll-out in the final few moments, and big action set-pieces set around what must be entire scenes from the movie spliced together (one I loved was Daniel Daniel coming to the rescue of a bunch of kids in a museum about to be toppled by a hanging dinosaur skeleton). It's tongue placed firmly in three cheeks, and in the method of precise parody ala Grindhouse there's a gas to be had even if it's hard to recognize that it's all a take-off on European trailers (bad voice-over included, as is often the case in the US). Shot in glorious CINEMASCOPE, this is not to be missed if seeking out the Man Bites Dog Criterion DVD.