I am a huge fan of satire sites such as onion.com, daily mash.co.UK and news biscuit.com etc, however the movie never quite succeeds in its level of humour as its website does, granted there are some great laugh out loud moments but there are a few too many sketches that run for a tad too long.
It is unfair to criticize some of the movies sketches as being dated as the movie was produced over 5 years ago then shelved, I'm pretty sure due to fan demand that they decided to release it.
If your a fan of the website be sure to check it out but don't get your hopes up, the viral videos on the website are much better and better paced.
i give this 6 out of 10
It is unfair to criticize some of the movies sketches as being dated as the movie was produced over 5 years ago then shelved, I'm pretty sure due to fan demand that they decided to release it.
If your a fan of the website be sure to check it out but don't get your hopes up, the viral videos on the website are much better and better paced.
i give this 6 out of 10