FIN DE CURSO is teenager comedy about a group of students that are planning a High school trip to celebrate their graduation; but they need to decide from two different destination's choices: Paris or Benidorm. One group of the class clearly prefers Paris while the other one prefers Benidorm. Between them there's JAIME (played by Jordi Vilches) which is a shy and hesitating boy (some call him "the invisible man") who doesn't know very well which side to choose
He's involved with both groups (and with people from both groups
) saying them both he wants to go on their destinations
He's in trouble, so
The plot is nice, a great part of scenes are funny, but what surprised me the most was this "cinematographic alliance" between Spain and Portugal producing this movie It's basically a Spanish film, though it was shot in Lisbon, the plot is developed in Lisbon, and there are a great number of Portuguese actors in the movie, performing secondary roles. However, if I appreciated this "alliance" in production and I liked the effort of putting some Spanish and Portuguese actors working together, I can't say I was pleased seeing so many Portuguese actors speaking the Spanish language! First, because I think it wouldn't be necessary to create this interactivity between Portuguese and Spanish professionals; Second, because they speak Spanish very poorly in most of the cases (the exceptions are probably just Guilherme Filipe and Pepe Rapazote!). OK that it was "covered" by the plot, because all the action is passed in a Spanish college in Lisbon, and OK, they probably would speak Spanish there but even so
As positive features I found: the nice and funny plot; the mentioned "alliance"; the girls; the soundtrack; and the movie's pace, which is a bit faster than Spanish and Portuguese movies use to be.
As negative features: the unnecessary dialogs of Spanish between Portuguese actors and some scenes where American teen comedies are imitated, as this movie would pretend to be an American PIE wanna Be.
Well, all in all I can say I enjoyed the film! Generally I think it's funny and pretty entertaining so I will score it 7/10!
The plot is nice, a great part of scenes are funny, but what surprised me the most was this "cinematographic alliance" between Spain and Portugal producing this movie It's basically a Spanish film, though it was shot in Lisbon, the plot is developed in Lisbon, and there are a great number of Portuguese actors in the movie, performing secondary roles. However, if I appreciated this "alliance" in production and I liked the effort of putting some Spanish and Portuguese actors working together, I can't say I was pleased seeing so many Portuguese actors speaking the Spanish language! First, because I think it wouldn't be necessary to create this interactivity between Portuguese and Spanish professionals; Second, because they speak Spanish very poorly in most of the cases (the exceptions are probably just Guilherme Filipe and Pepe Rapazote!). OK that it was "covered" by the plot, because all the action is passed in a Spanish college in Lisbon, and OK, they probably would speak Spanish there but even so
As positive features I found: the nice and funny plot; the mentioned "alliance"; the girls; the soundtrack; and the movie's pace, which is a bit faster than Spanish and Portuguese movies use to be.
As negative features: the unnecessary dialogs of Spanish between Portuguese actors and some scenes where American teen comedies are imitated, as this movie would pretend to be an American PIE wanna Be.
Well, all in all I can say I enjoyed the film! Generally I think it's funny and pretty entertaining so I will score it 7/10!