It was in focus. It had intelligible sound. It wasn't too long. Main character kills a kitten by putting it in a gym bag and throwing said bag into the Hudson river (in winter!). Strange choice. Too bad it went downhill from there. Let's see, downtown, kind-of-hot junkie girl goes back home to rescue JD Saling- oops, I mean her fictional recluse author Dad. Turns out Dad's been writing in secret, buried his book in the ground. Junkie girl digs up book, sells it for lots of money - oh, no, that's would have happened in real life - she read said book, likes it, blah, blah, blah.
Boooooorrrrrriiiiiinnnnnngggggg. After 45 minutes, I started using the fast forward button. It was much less boring 1) at 4x speed and 2) without dialog.
Boooooorrrrrriiiiiinnnnnngggggg. After 45 minutes, I started using the fast forward button. It was much less boring 1) at 4x speed and 2) without dialog.