The question is never really answered.
7 September 2008
Watching this documentary is like sitting on a jury. You have to decide if there is a reasonable doubt, as you may never know the full truth.

Amir Bar-Lev does a good job of presenting the facts to the jury. He is assisted by a "60 Minutes" piece on the same subject. Did this four-year-old really paint these pictures, or was she helped by daddy or, as one person suggested, by the gallery owner? One has to look at the father and make a judgment, as the little girl cannot really tell us what we want to know. he does appear shifty and one has to believe that he is certainly capable of doing the enhancements. There are certain things in the paintings themselves that indicate that they were not done by a four-year-old.

The mother appears to know, but is protecting her family. I think she wishes it would have never started.

It is an interesting work and each person has to sit in the jury box themselves and give a verdict.
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