Star Knight (1985)
What makes this bad makes it great!
31 December 2008
I found this gem in a sale bin of old VHS tapes about ten years ago.... I put it on not knowing what to expect... and I couldn't stop it! Mr.Keitel must have tried to buy up all the copies of this film.. because it's impossible to find anyone that has seen it before. It's absurb to point of being a Monty Python film... I can imagine that the producers started off wanting to make a serious film and half way through said.. "hey.. you know it's pretty funny.. I think we should go that way!" There must have been some great coke on set for this baby in the eighties... if you can find it, I highly suggest it over a bottle or two of your favourite bevy.

I saw "The Little Shop of Horrors" when I was a kid on late night television.. and never forgot that as being such an amazing 'cartoon' of a film... I wasn't surprised when it had a second life... not to mention John Water's "Hairspray".. it's kind of like that great old movie "The Producers"... you just can't make a movie bad enough that it won't be entertaining... to someone!

Harvey Keitel?... Klaus Kinsky?... how can you go wrong?
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