Sweet Movie (1974)
Bad craziness
1 January 2009
What happened in Normandy? What happened in Stalingrad? Was it all an international conspiracy? The kind of film that makes you suspicious if Nazis had actually won the war. Makes you paranoid. There are even excerpts from a Nazi propaganda footage in it of the Katyn massacre. How convenient? How convenient indeed.

It is allegorical. It is avant-garde. Its artistic value is relative to taste and my opinion, which is of course inherently subjective, is this is as much artistic as Salvador Dali's bottom.

We get the analogy. It is not what you would call subtle. The men and boys lured into the Karl Marx boat full of sweets. The rich defiling the innocent and pure. A man reborn covered in urine and feces (the kind of image that will stay with you for a very long time).

Of course you may want to watch it. The way you may want to watch a snuff film. Of course you may like this. The way you may like watching a man shoot himself.
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