It's LARDASS, punk!
21 July 2008
I had a difficult time reviewing this movie.

On the one hand, it was another opportunity to see Debbie Rochon.

On the other hand, I would have liked to see her in something else.

On one hand, I have to cheer for a movie that includes a role that I can actually play. Lardass rules!

On the other hand, I really got grossed out when the diaper gang guy pooped in his pants. Yech! On one hand, I can certainly cheer a superhero that takes breaks to have sex with his wife (Heidi Sjursen).

On the other hand, I am deeply offended at the multiple uses of the "R" word for the developmentally disabled. I consider that as offensive as the "N" word.

One one hand, I like Dolphin Man, The Vibrator, Masterbater, Sgt. Kabukiman and Mad Cowboy. That's some interesting superheros.

On the other hand, the are some really outrageous scenes in this movie that will certainly be offensive to many.

On the one hand, Tromas TV was hilarious.

On the other hand, this movie, while outrageous, was no worse than watching Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan, so I'll give it the same rating.
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