Rock climbing. Those words will forever send a chill down my spine. The reason for that is I endured a so-called "adventure" film about a group exploring sent to a distant island to investigate a rocket crash. In order to get there, they have to climb a mountain. And that's it. 80% of the film is just rock climbing. Just rock climbing. Oh, and they run into some dinosaurs along the way but they have a total of 3 minutes of screen time. So the star of this movie is basically a mountain. God help us all.
And to top it off, when they finally do reach the rocket, the most annoying character is finally killed off, a volcano starts to erupt, and they scale back down the mountain in TWO MINUTES!!!! Then they get on a rowboat and smoke some cigarettes. And that's it. That is how the film ends. WTF??!!! I just cannot express how much I hate this movie. The dinosaurs are a cruel insult because not only do they not do anything but remind me of better things I could be watching. The introductory sequences are so pointless; the characters become cardboard cutouts the minute they land on the island and the acting is so bland. Even the MST 3K boys had trouble enduring this one. I just don't see what can be gained from writing about this garbage further. If you watch the MST 3K version, do so at your own risk.
Rock Climbing :shudder:
And to top it off, when they finally do reach the rocket, the most annoying character is finally killed off, a volcano starts to erupt, and they scale back down the mountain in TWO MINUTES!!!! Then they get on a rowboat and smoke some cigarettes. And that's it. That is how the film ends. WTF??!!! I just cannot express how much I hate this movie. The dinosaurs are a cruel insult because not only do they not do anything but remind me of better things I could be watching. The introductory sequences are so pointless; the characters become cardboard cutouts the minute they land on the island and the acting is so bland. Even the MST 3K boys had trouble enduring this one. I just don't see what can be gained from writing about this garbage further. If you watch the MST 3K version, do so at your own risk.
Rock Climbing :shudder: