In the Night Garden... (2007–2009)
Like Telletubbies, a fantastic show for little kids - but do they learn much out of it?
8 August 2008
*** out of *****

3/5 6/10 stars

Hmm...this show is fun for little kids, very fun, but come on the already have Teletubbies! Little children may enjoy it and watch it on the all the time, but do they learn anything out of it? The "In The Night Garden" characters are really imaginative and funny, but they don't say real words. Such as, the character "Macka-Packa", my one year old sister kept on repeating his name and yes it's great, but it's not even a real word. This show is certainly not educational, which caused 4 stars to be knocked off the rating. I thought the whole point for these kids shows was for education and fun. Sure they got the fun part right, but what about the education part? This show is not right for kids if they want to learn something and be smart and I think parents should not let their children watch this all the time, making it a habit of saying words like, "Macka-Pack" and "Iggle Piggle" all the time.

Fun for little kids, but not educational at all.
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