Dwayne Johnson is "The Rock" in this movie being selfish and absolutely absorbed by himself till he find that he is a father. He a very successfully American football player who thinks he rocks and has everything he needs in his life but something will change that dramatically. Madison Pettis plays little Peyton the eight year old daughter of Joe Kingman the football player, she is a cute kid who sparks the movie. A very nice family movie that you should watch, Johnson does his play pretty well i really like him as a actor because he can be funny and action remind me of Arnold somehow. The spice is added by the a school teacher ballerina played by Roselyn Sanchez that lecture Kingman how to be a real father. The movie is about a father that doesn't know that he had a daughter but he doesn't know also that he likes it and can be a very good and loving father. Johnson show that can be emotional when a little drama drops in the movie but well is well when ends with a happy end. I recommend this movie because is entertaining and have a nice feeling about it so if you want to be a away from those bad crimes, horror and action movie this is the perfect escape.