This could be called "Porky's East", as its set in Hong Kong. Although this film shares similar scenes (the lead character wakes up aroused and a revealing peep hole shower scene), this film is better. The acting is better, the characters are better developed and there is a 400 year old ghost in it who grants the lead character two wishes. There is copious nudity in this film, but it is not a mean spirited film like "Porky's". I would have much rather seen a sequel or two of this film, as I liked the characters more and they seem to not be caricatures of teenage boys and girls. For the guys, the girls are pretty and a little confident, which I didn't see much in Porky's. Again, there is a lot of nudity in this, but if you like teen comedy, I would recommend this before "Porky's". Its fine, nothing profound, just a teen comedy. If its your genre you can't go wrong.