Surreal comedy
20 March 2009
Another well-recognized work of the chief director in Mosfilm Karen Shahnazarov. As usual Karen gives very absurd and bright story-line that shows ordinary problems in a very special ironic way. This is not a horror film it looks more like comedy, but it touches upon horrific ideas that come to mind in state of jealousy. The main character is a young actor, whose fat wife a music teacher betrays him with a neighbour who works at meat-plant. The main character is very shy and noble person he acts really awesome. While his wife pushes him away he goes to a club and meets a stranger-pensioner who turns out to be caring a lot of poison with him all the time. He reads main character's mind immediately and tells him how he poisoned his wife-betrayer in the past. The pensioner persuades his new young friend to revenge by means of poisons and the actor agrees. The film gives brief description of poisoning in the history of human race. The youngman becomes a member of poison-club, where people from the past, who poisoned somebody gather together to have a big poison party. While the young actor plans his revenge his wife and her lover also make a plan to poison him and his new love . This becomes big absurd after all. This unusual and rather expensive film includes a lot of costumes and great dialogues. The film even has some gore. While the director describes some historical moments of Italian Cesare he shows how great emperor cured himself after being poisoned. A huge bull without entrails serve Cesare as a blood bath.
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