I was really excited to see this Final Break movie because I wanted to see how they wrapped things up and how they deal with the "unanswered questions" to provide me closure for one of my favorite shows. I wish I hadn't watched it though. It ruined the whole finale for me, heck, it even ruined the whole series for me almost. I felt like I wasted 4 years of my life investing in the characters in the show and it's all for nothing. The movie was so over the top (and that's saying a lot considering this is Prison Break, the mother of all things over the top!) and so made-for-Hollywood-summer-blockbuster that it deviated from the real essence of the show. When I watched the series finale on TV, I was a little disappointed but still, I found that that was a fitting end, albeit a bittersweet one. But this one was just senseless. I loved only the first two minutes of it. The rest of it, I wish I could have erased from my mind. The phrase "jumped the shark" is very fitting for this movie. I understand now why they decided not to include it in the original series finale and why they decided not to show it on FOX because people will surely throw their TVs out if they did. So, so disappointed! I want that hour and 20 minutes of my life back!