Heroic, Realistic, and truly inspiring.
29 June 2009
I'm currently in the middle of a battle in witch my aunt just finished fighting and beating cancer for the third time but I'm not here to discuss that... I'm here to explain how this movie is compelling, realistic, and above all moving.

This movie shows the struggles and sacrifices many families come across during battles involving not only cancer but also all diseases. It shows the drama, love, fighting, and encouragement that all people face in battles but it also shows that most of the time it isn't happy or encouraging to go on fighting but instead a painful road to ride on.

This movie helped me rekindle a little faith I lost over the last few years, and to prove that this movie is for everyone, I'm an 18 year old male Canadian Solder so if anyone says guys can't watch this movie their wrong because this movie speaks to everyone.

Trust me... This movie is a story of Heroes, and I'll never forget it.
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