I couldn't believe my own eyes when I read some of the review here - did we watch the same movie!? Let's just keep it real here for a moment - danish comedies that are actually fun are a rare species, and being the best danish comedy in years isn't saying allot - but this movie ain't that movie - in fact it's probably the worst danish comedy in years! It's totally predictable and has virtually no laughs. None of the characters have anything going for them - but the script is the main culprit here - just shocking how lame these jokes are! Me and my girlfriend had heard form a bunch of people, like the ones who praised it here, that this movie was great, so rented it with quite some expectations - so imagine our disbelief when this stinker was over! Anyways, what I'm trying to say here - If your looking for laughs or any kind of entertainment Blå Mænd isn't what you need!